The Gray Area of the Border Line

 La Linea was a surprisingly enjoyable and quick read. I found myself reading further than intended with its easy-to-follow storyline and small chapters. To be honest with you, the video I shared really helped me put the book into perspective and see it in my mind. And really, it made Miguel, Elena, and Javi's journey more impactful. Border crossing is a touchy topic, and I honestly wouldn't know how to present it to students without triggering some kind of argument. Regardless, La Linea is a great example of literature that brings light to a dark subject. 

"I don't remind her that she said she'd never grow it out. She vowed to keep it short, the way Javi cut it before the mata gente, to help her remember los sacrificios people make for each other. 

"I can't ever forget Javi, anyway. It doesn't matter what my hair looks like," she says. "You think about him too. I know you do." (123)


  1. I don't find the subject of immigration to be dark exactly, if anything it is sad. They are running away from countries that are impacting their lives so much that there isn't much to live for. It is more or less of the systems that are put in place that do make it extremely difficult for other's to enter our country legally. All they want is to live a better life than they had, I feel as if there is something better that can be put into place that can get people across legally, safely and quickly.

  2. Bekah, I love this quote you shared. It showed what an impact Javi, who was essentially a total stranger, had on Elena. I feel like when immigrants make this journey, it is an unspoken rule that they should all watch out for each other and support one another.


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