Where the mind goes, the body will follow.

    Growing up, my mom always told me, "where the mind goes, the body will follow." This quote got me through many struggles in life, particularly wrestling and basic training. Fortunately for me, this saying never led me to the place that Lia went to. For me, this just meant that if I wanted to succeed and be the best physically, I had to be the best mentally first. 

    I believe Wintergirls shows just how powerful of a tool the mind is. This is a phenomenal book for adolescents because it is a lesson that they can learn early in life. Lia's persistence and regression show that mental toughness is not limited to sports or the military. Lia and Cassie work to be the thinnest, and it costs Cassie her life. I definitely believe Cassie's death adds a much need, real element surrounding mental and physical health.  


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