New Beginning to a New Future

 In La Línea, it is a realistic interpretation of illegal immigration into the US, and the hardships that those traveling face. Through the eyes of Miguel, he is forced to find his parents, so not only he can have a better life, but his family as well. As they take the difficult path to the border, they are able to overcome several obstacles. This novel covers the struggles of those that are willing to leave a bad situation, and travel to start a new life. Although Miguel’s parents left him and his sister, it was to work and send money back. Once Miguel realized that there was nothing left for him there, he was willing to leave and find his parents and start a new life. Though traveling was nothing that he expected it to be, it still taught him valuable lessons in life, and that the journey never stops. Even though they were able to cross the border they still had another journey to go on “I didn’t understand that there are thousands of líneas to cross in a life” (Jaramillo, 124). There are obstacles around every corner, and Miguel proved that people are willing to risk their lives to start over in a place they do not know. 

I believe that this novel would be great to teach in a classroom because not only does it accurately portray illegal immigration, but some students might find connections to it. By learning why people choose and need to immigrant, they will find what people go through exactly in such desperate times. The risks involved just to live a better life are something that some people will never have to experience and go through. It is important to expose the stories of those that were willing to risk their lives in search of a better future so that the world can acknowledge the reasons.


  1. Samantha, I definitely had the same feeling about the novel. I think it is super realistic, and that the hardships all of the characters face are very relatable to immigrants. This would be a very good book to teach in a classroom because I am sure you will have students who can relate to the novel.


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