A New Beginning: Miguel's Bravery and Maturity


Miguel and his sister embark on a quest to immigrate to America illegally. Miguel and his sister face many challenges on their journey across "la linea", the line, like being robbed, escaping the police, and doing many thrilling things. What stood out to me through my reading of the novel was Miguel's determination and fast maturity. At the beginning of the novel, I found Miguel immature and inconsiderate of his unsolicited accomplice. He then begins to accept that he is not embarking on this journey alone as he anticipated. This shows Miguel's acceptance and determination to cross the border and his challenges forced him to mature at a rate much faster than the typical pre-teen. I was also shocked at how strong he could be on this journey. Through the reading of La Linea, I was astounded at the bravery Miguel needed to immigrate alone without an adult companion that he can truly trust. He is forced to place trust in the hired coyotes that are paid to smuggle him across the border. I was able to contrast how I would respond in this situation. I am sure that I would be terrified and possibly wouldn't be strong or brave enough to even begin the journey to America knowing the potential dangers that might await me. Miguel's bravery impacted me greatly and made me understand how brave adolescents can be when fighting for the life they want. 


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