To all my Wintergirls


    Wintergirls was, not only, a tough book to read, but its' topic is a tough topic to talk about. When thinking about the topic of eating disorders, I only ever thought about either starving yourself or binge eating then throwing up. I never think about all of the effort and small details that goes into having an eating disorder. Calorie counting is one example. To be able to know the amount of calories in all these different foods and being able to rattle it off and add them up in an instant is insane to me. It really seems like so much more work would go into having a major eating disorder. The things that come with some people having eating disorders is also hard to talk about because things like cutting, in Lia's case, and also depression are things that are tough on their own but, to add them to having an eating disorder would just be that much harder to manage and deal with. I will say that this book, if approached in the right way, could be extremely useful to high school students because high school, in many cases, is where eating disorders, depression, etc. is likely to come about, and for them to have knowledge and an ending that shows progression of getting better is something that could really help students in many ways when starting to deal with these types of things. 


  1. Hey, I like what you included about eating disorders going farther than jus starving or binging, because I think people forget about that a lot.


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