The Hate U Give

One of the essential questions for this books is "how do adolescents handle code switching?" I think this is super interesting because for research in my Development of the English Language class, I watched the video above entitled "The Cost of Code Switching" as the speaker covers code switching and her own experience with such during adolescence. This TED talk examines how it takes away from one's individuality. She persuades listeners to move towards a world in which we appreciate one's dialect rather than placing prejudice on such and that we allow for a truer sense of  diversity. I highly encourage you to watch it! One quote from the book that connects to this is "My voice is changing already. It always happens around "other" people, whether I'm at Williamson or not. I don't talk like me or sounds like me. I choose every word carefully and make sure I pronounce them well. I can never, ever let anyone think I'm ghetto." Where code switching may be of value in relating to people, we never stop to think of the lack of authenticity behind it.
I also think social justice is very prevalent in the lives of not just modern adolescents but apart of any adolescents development. In my Adolescent Development class we have covered how morals are developed and in Kohlberg's six stages of moral development, he covers three levels surrounding selfishness, other's approval, and what is right or just. The quote, "thats the problem. we let people say stuff, and they say it so much that it becomes okay to them and normal for us. What's the point of having a voice if you're gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn't be" is a good example of being in level three, stage 5 of social contract orientation. This type of thinking is beyond selfish desires or even seeking other's approval but is focused more so on the "bigger picture."
Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I want to see the movie now more so than over and I'm sure I will be able to enjoy it that much more after reading. If anything, this class has taught me now through two books that the novel and the screenplay will often vary but both are to be appreciated around the messages being conveyed. I wasn't sure if I'd use this book in my research paper but now that I've finished it, I hope to include it for sure!


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