Enrique's Journey

Enrique’s Journey by Sonia Nazario follows the story of a Latin-American immigrant boy traveling the borders in search of his mother.  This novel focuses on the determination of adolescents and how their adamant spirit can be used for the greater good, whether it be personal or societal.  This nonfiction text intrigued me as soon as I picked it up; I ended up reading the entire work.  
As I read through each section of the text, it seemed like Enrique was faced with trouble after trouble.  From his mother leaving Honduras to make money, to moving in with random relatives, to becoming a teenage father, Enrique always seemed to let his ambition get the better of him. I noticed quite a bit of character development, which I think rings true for many adolescent, when he focused his ambition towards his family.  For lack of a better word, Enrique was hellbent on reaching his mother and he pushed everything aside and exhibiting prime determination and maturity in his journey to find Lourdes.  Even in the later part of the text, when Enrique is living in the states, he works diligently to get his girlfriend and daughter smuggled to the United States to continue his family life.  

This work of non-fiction is a prime example of how tremulous childhoods can result in the rapid and early mental maturation of adolescents.  No matter the situation, Enrique sought the most effective solution and worked to achieve his goals; his determinism was constantly fueled by his sense of family ownership.  Even with Enrique’s severe poverty, he seemed to attempt to put his best foot forward rather than dwelling on the negativity and drowning in self-pity. This text should serve as an example of overcoming severe adversity during adolescent years and how powerful a sense of spirit and determination can be.


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