Research Topic

My EQ question for my research paper will be: How does cultural representation impact young adult readers of color? 

Focus follow up questions: What minority culture is most represented today in YA?
What sort of impact does seeing this representation have on a POC? 
What more work should be done to give a voice to those who don't feel as represented? 
Is there one group or type we push to get represented more over others?
Are YA books obligated to show accurate representation of these cultures and when does It become cultural appropriation?
Why is this a topic that as been surfacing more in recent years?

I really wanted to do this question because I think I can find a lot of information on how impactful it is to appropriately include different diversities in text. The topic is close to my heart because as a POC I remember always feeling more connected to a story or to characters who looked or felt like me. I will include information from our reading, Brown Girl Dreaming, The Hate You Give, and Diary. There might be the argument that there is already plenty of representation and things being done to include different cultures, but I think there is also enough information to say there should be more doing done.  I think if anything there might be issues of cultural appropriations or racism stemming from old minded beliefs I might come across when researching this topic. I foresee seeing a lot more research from recent years since we are becoming a more mindful and inclusive society as the years go by.



  1. Eva, I love that you chose to focus on this for your research assignment. Race is such a big topic in today's society and underrepresentation is something that always needs to be talked about! You have a wide array of questions that really seem to stretch across the entire topic, so I hope you will find a lot of information. Furthermore, there are plenty of novels out there to help support your claims. I would encourage you to look into ethnic groups that are extremely underrepresented in literature; I believe there is a lot your could uncover with this. I'm glad that you mentioned how more representation is happening, but so much more could be done. Too many people in society are fine with settling for the bare minimum when it comes to minority representation, when truthfully we have a long way to go.

  2. Hey Eva! This sounds so interesting to read! You'll have to let me read it after! I think that we often a a society think we are being as inclusive as we can. However, media and entertainment are often under representing minorities. I think it would be very interesting if you looked into Asian or Asian American representation in young adult literature. It can be very difficult to find Asian representation. However, I do have a copy of a young adult novel with Asian representation if you would like to borrow it and look through it. The book is called A Tale for a Time Being, I am also using it so we would have to share though. Otherwise, this is a great topic and can not wait to see the final product.


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