Research Topic

My research question is "How can Y. A. Literature give readers a sense of identity?"
Some of my focus questions are

  1. How does Y.A. Lit influence an adolescents' view on identity?
  2. What are some of the most common types of identities seen in Y.A. lit?
  3. Do Y.A. books give adolescent readers a sense of belonging?
  4. Will the sense of belonging make them want to read more?
  5. Will the influence of identity make the adolescents want to read more?
  6. Do parents have an affect on adolescents finding their identity, even in books?
An overview of this paper is that I will be looking at the influence of identity in Young Adult Literature, and the affect it has on the readers. Each novel is unique when it comes to identity and they each influence readers in a different way. I plan to use the following novels that relate to the topic: Dante and Aristotle, Diary, The Hate U Give. I selected this topic because I want to know how big of an affect Y.A. books have on adolescents finding their identity? How does it influence adolescents? My argument for this paper is that I think that Y.A. lit helps adolescent readers find their identity by allowing them to see that they are not the only ones going through an identity crisis. I plan to use the USC Upstate Databases to find my sources to conduct my research. One challenge that I may have is finding enough scholarly sources for my topic.


  1. Anna, your research question goes hand and hand with mine! I too want to research how these books can affect adolescents readers as they read. I strongly believe that if these adolescents can truly connect with the novels they are reading, it could help them find their identity.


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