Research Paper Topic

     I plan on researching and validating that exposure to controversial, and other wise not widely discussed topics during adolescence such as post-colonialism, exposure to disabilities, and race are not just important, but critical in creating well-rounded and tolerant adults.

     Without books like The True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, adolescents may never be exposed to how post-colonialism effects people we share our country with. Some kids may never have a genuine experience with someone like Christopher, who is an extremely capable child with Asperger's within The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time. Though it is widely available, some may not be fully enlightened about information of police brutality and racism, and even if they are,it is impossible to understand the pain and persecution that the characters face with The Hate You Give as a young white person, which the book functions to expose.

     Each of these books contain powerful themes and emphasis on people who are not given the same opportunities as many adolescents are privileged in having, yet these epidemics of post colonial poverty, poor education on mental health, and racism are very rarely confronted in classrooms and at home for growing and developing minds.

Adolescents are absorbing information, and begin developing in who they are going to be as adults. I believe that this window of time is crucial in forming tolerant, progressive thinkers that the world needs more of. If young adults are sheltered from these societal issues, they are much more likely to continue the perpetual dismissal of the under privileged as adults, which hinders the acceptance and  positive growth of suffering people.


  1. Our topics are similar for this paper! I wonder though, what is your take on how much is "too much" when exposing adolescents to sensitive topics? I personally think teens should learn as much as they can about the real world so that they may be more successful in it- and I think you'd agree. Also, what do you think the different routes could be for getting these books in the hands of adolescents? Are books the most effective way to educate these young adults on the topics presented?


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