Blog Post 1: Introduction

 Hey ya’ll, my name is Samantha or you guys can call me Sam! I am a senior this year and will be graduating in the spring. I am majoring in Communications and minoring in English, and I hope to work somewhere in the PR field or be a journalist. I currently don’t have any hobbies other than watching TikToks and trying new things off of them. For example, I made a handmade blanket, cooked recipes, etc, so TikTok can teach you a lot. I currently work as a server at Willy Taco in Boiling Springs, and I am training to be a bartender. I usually work around 20-25 hours a week and close most nights, but it is a really fun job and a great place to work. 

Although I am a pretty good learner when it comes to literature, I could use some help when starting topics and getting a good starting point. I usually have too much on my mind and I tend to jump from topic to topic and cram it all together. Altogether, I love literature and I’m really excited about this course. 

When thinking about the books I read in my childhood, I could list a million! My mom would read to me every night until I started reading on my own, and she kept all of my books to save for my future children. I remember all of my baby books, my favorite being Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. In middle school, I was really into poetry and would read a lot of Shakespeare and Poe, but my favorite book series was Among the Hidden. Throughout my life, I have always loved books because it was a way for me to escape into another reality other than my own. The excitement of starting a new book and then completing it is always the best feeling. 


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