Blog Post 1: Introduction

  Hi everyone! My name is Rebekah Long, but I prefer to be called Bekah. This is my junior year at Upstate and I am studying Middle Level Education with an emphasis in English. My cognate will be in History and after a few years of teaching, I would like to get my masters in Curriculum Development. Most of my hobbies include exercising of some sort, but most times I am running around so much anyway, so you can find me laying in bed. A lot of the time, I am spending my free time with my friends and FaceTiming my family and cats. I currently work two jobs, they kind of alternate each other, but I am looking for something more consistent. When I do work, it's probably 20-30 hours a week. 

Something you may want to know about me as a learner is that reading is one of the harder elements of education for me. Writing and grammar editing comes second nature, but reading is forced. To supplement this struggle, I read the book while listening to an audiobook. Thinking back to my childhood only a couple of books stand out to me, Anne of Green Gables and The Bronze Bow. Both were read when I was in middle school. Funny how things circle back around. I can't think of a specific reason why these stuck out or a reason why I am drawn to them. 

After middle school, my parents pulled me out of school to homeschool me. My curriculum was all self-taught and so I had to read to learn, whether it was math, science, history, or english; it was all done by reading. So becuase of that expereince, I only placed purpose reading. If the book didn't have purpose to me, it wasn't going to get read. I would like to learn to love books and reading for pleasure. 


  1. Interesting you were homeschooled. I contemplated that for my children last year!

  2. Hey, Bekah! We actually have the exact same major, even down to the cognate. I wish you the best in your career!

  3. Hey Bekah! I too enjoy spending time with my friends in my free time! Writing and grammar also come second nature to me. Homeschooling is an extremely interesting concept to me. I often wonder if the curriculum is just as difficult as they make it out to be in schools.


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