Stephanie Dawkins- The World Made Straight

Before reading the book, I decided to read the back cover to see what it was going to be about. After reading it, I thought that this book would be interesting. However, it wasn't. It was not the worst book that I've read but it could be put on the list.

The World Made Straight is a book filled with poverty. Many characters in the book are living in poverty and are trying to find anyway to come up lucky. Also, many of the characters are affiliated with drugs, whether they are selling out or using it. As always, drugs do not lead you down a road to success. This was evident by the end of the book when more than half of the leading characters were dead or going down the road of a miserable death. The time did not all go to waste. Travis and Lori are deciding to get out and make something of themselves all thanks to Education and dreams of one day achieving a better life. Lori goes off to college and Travis still has things that he has to deal with but hopefully he will follow behind Lori.


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