Kelsey Salerno

 My name is Kelsey Salerno but most people call me Kels. My favorite thing to do, besides raising three tiny humans, is writing. Writing has always been a passion of mine. Swimming competitively was a huge part of my life before I had my first son. I have a two month daughter so I am currently not working. 

I have a hard time putting my thoughts onto paper which I know sounds odd since I love to write but I do suffer from ADD. I use a dictation software and basically ramble until I can put together what I actually want to say. I have a blog but I am learning about consistency before I put it back up. I need to read things at least twice to respond and I am that person who does not respond to a text without a well thought out response. 

Books were always a huge part of my life. As a child I always enjoyed reading non-fiction, and still enjoy it. I enjoy learning about people, places, experiences, different view points. I like to know everything about anything. I never found myself preferring one author over another but I did love Mitch Albom and have read one of his books several times.


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