About Aniya Hall

    Hey Y'all! My full name is Aniya Bernáe Hall. I was born and raised in Columbia, South Carolina. Most of my childhood, from what I can remember, I lived in the country with my family. The "country" as in the Lugoff and Elgin areas of SC. I learned how to drive by riding my grandma's lawnmower around in the fields of our backyard; enjoyed butterbeans and neck bones every Sunday after church; and endured a 2-hour bus ride home after elementary school... yes, I was the very last stop on the route. So I would definitely classify myself as a country girl.

    My major is Secondary Education with an English concentration. I am a rising junior this year! 15th grade to be exact...Whoop Whoop! I'm the first in my generation to go to college, so I take a lot of pride in that. In my spare time, I love to dance and sing.. although I'm a terrible vocalist. However, I was in IB (International Baccalaureate) Dance for 4 years, and captain of my colorguard and dance team for 3 years. On the side, I love to draw. No one really knows that I can draw, but I honestly prefer it that way. Because once most people find out I can draw, they expect hand drawn masterpieces for every birthday. I've always known I can draw, but I never wanted to be in any art classes. I guess I never really liked the idea of being told what to draw and being set on a time frame to complete my projects. I prefer to take my time and choose my own muse. I absolutely love spending time with my family and friends, but if I could I would spend every day with my girlfriend. Viktoria and I have been together for a year and a half now; she's truly my best friend. 

    I've always LOVED learning in school. I literally couldn't wait to be called on in class or to have my work be used as a example model. Although I loved subjects such as math, science and writing... I wasn't a fan of reading at all. I hated reading up until I got to my junior year of high school. In 11th grade, I finally was blessed with an actual devoted and enthusiastic English teacher. That is when my love for reading really blossomed. Prior, my former English teachers never showed a passion for teaching their students how to enjoy reading. Since then, I've transformed into a dedicated and patient reader. 

    I wish I could admit to reading more books than I actually have in the past two years. With balancing school's workload, a job and squeezing in time to binge watch Grey's Anatomy, it's been so hard to sit down and dive into a novel. As far as YA novels for personal use, I've read The Pact by Jodi Picoult, The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas, The Fault in Our Stars by John Greene, and Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. Academically,  I'm honestly not sure what books I've read that classify as Young Adult. That's why I am very excited about this course and all the books that I'll get to read and add to the list of greats. 


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