Introducing Me, Myself, and I

 Hello everyone! My name is Kristyn Mikayla Taylor, but I prefer Mikayla. I am a senior at USC Upstate this semester, and I am majoring in Middle Level Education with concentrations in both math and English. I know, it's a bit of a weird combination, but I love math and English equally and I have a hard decision to make when it comes to deciding which one I would rather teach; but, I hope to figure that out this semester. 

Some of my hobbies include reading, painting, traveling, home decorating (especially during Christmas time), and spending time with my family. I am also obsessed with watching Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, and more recently obsessed with watching Hamilton on Disney+. 

I do work about 20 hours a week as a babysitter with kids who are currently on an A/B school schedule; watching them and helping them complete their school work until their parents get off work. 

As a learner, I am trying my best to keep up with the amount of online work. I always put 100% into my work and I am some what of a perfectionist when it comes to turning in assignments. I also tend to be quieter than most in class because I prefer to take everything in. Sometimes I feel like people mistake my quietness as me not wanting to participate; however, that is not the case. 

As a young child I absolutely loved books. My grandmother would read to me all of the time when I was younger, and she is actually the one who taught me how to read. By the time I had reached middle school, however, I had completely lost my love of literature. I hated having to read for classes, and most of the time, I didn't read. That cycle continued until my sophomore year of high school. I had a lot of friends who read, and I really just felt left out. One of the first books I remember reading that really made me want to start reading again was The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. Although now I don't consider myself a huge John Green fan, at the time his novel really kick-started my love for reading again. Now, I love to read as much as I can. I really like romance novels, psychological thrillers, and young adult novels; so you can imagine the excitement I have taking an adolescent literature class. I am really looking forward to this course, and discussing the novels with everyone. 


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