All About Me: Candace Beebe
Hello everybody! My name is Candace. I am a senior here at Upstate and my major is Middle Level ELA and Social Studies education. I chose to go into education because I love to learn, pretty much about anything. But I especially love literature and history. Last semester, I just discovered my love of writing but it's very new and I still feel like a beginner. Trying a new skill is equally scary and exciting.
I spend the majority of my time at my church: in service, practicing music or being a part of a youth event. I use all of my spare time spending time with my friends and family. My friends and I like to do anything as long as we are together. We go to coffee shops, bookstores, parks, hiking, restaurants, etc. However, spending time with my family is a little bit more difficult. I have three brothers. One lives in Missouri, one in Florida, and one in Spain. They are all ministering around the globe. But they have given me the great joy of being an aunt. I have 3 nieces, 2 nephews, and a nephew on the way. Those kids are my world!
Right now, I am working at an after school program. Last year when I worked there, I absolutely loved it. However, this year with all the Covid - 19 restrictions, I am getting very few hours and we have very few kids. So, it's been a challenge.
As a learner, I love to learn but the virtual learning has been difficult for me. I am not the best with technology and I miss being with people. So all I ask is a little bit of patience and perhaps forgiveness.
I've always loved to read! My brother started reading to me when I was little. When we ran out of children's books, he started making up his own stories. When I learned to read myself, I consumed books. I read all of the Magic Tree House books, the Series of Unfortunate Events books, and later I found dystopian fiction. I loved The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Selection, Starters, The Maze Runner, and many many more. I loved being able to see another world in my head. A world that was all mine. I am going to stop before I get carried away but I am very excited to read more novels this semester. And I can't wait to read with my students!
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