"Harry Potter" - Ride or Die

 Hi, my name is Chelsea Klingler. In the past, some have been tempted to call me “Chel.” So just don’t do that, and we can be friends. I’m an indoors girl and my hobbies reflect that. I enjoy watching documentaries and knitting. I do not currently have a job but my children, six and nine, are unwilling participants in distance learning this year. Their homework load, and mine, keep me just as busy as any form of employment. I get paid in indignation and bad attitudes. Occasionally, I'll get tipped a smile.

For a millennial, I am embarrassingly bad with technology. So this semester should be… interesting. I’ve done online classes before but the introduction of new platforms (Flipgrid, in particular) has presented a bit of a learning curve.

Books were an integral part of my life growing up. I was raised in the boonies of New York - no cable, no internet, and an extremely limited VHS selection. Books were really my only form of escape. As a tomboy, I preferred literature with male leads. The Harry Potter series was my first experience with Adolescent Literature and it remains a favorite to this day (Hunger Games… really guys?). I was lucky enough to grow up alongside Harry and when the last book was released I had just graduated high school. My friends and I went to the midnight release at our local bookstore. It is a point of pride with me that I was the first person in my small town to own a copy of “The Deathly Hallows.” The end of the series signaled the end of my own adolescence and, to this day, I am still a little miffed that I never got my Hogwarts letter. 


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