All about A'Keriah

    My name is A'Keriah Praylow (uh-keer-ee-uh). I believe in the power of a name, so I am learning to be more diligent in ensuring my name is pronounced correctly (respectfully and with love of course). Lately, I have been more passionate about practicing mindfulness. Through this practice, I have rediscovered my need and love of writing. During my free time, I am either journaling, listening to music, or enjoying time outside. Unfortunately, I work throughout the week. I work an average of 30 hours a week. 
    As a learner, I require patience. I am a fast learner, but whenever I do not grasp a concept I have a tendency to shut down. I am a visual and hands-on learner, so online courses are a bit of an adjustment for me. 
    Thinking back on my childhood, I loved dramatic stories. Stories that present an alternate society completely spark my interest. My favorite book series since I was a child is The Shadow Children. The Shadow Children introduced me to dystopian novels. Many of us imagine a perfect world, but never think about how we would maintain this "perfect world". I am in love with stories that allow me to think critically. Books have been the most efficient way for me to educate myself. Learning from books has caused me to develop an open mind. I am excited to be exposed to a variety of books in this course. 


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