The Secret Life of Bees

As a future English teacher and History teacher this book comes very well recommended. I think this book would be great to teach in the eight grade because not only does it have a great message, but it gives a great example of symbolism. August explains to Lily how the beehive community functions, how without the queen bee everything will fall apart. This book, like the beehive in August's yard, it is female dominated. We can see the different roles of the women throughout the book and how each one of them puts in their own valuable submission into making the "beehive" work. The bees also symbolizes structure, each little bee has a job in the beehive. No job is unimportant and they all work together to make the beehive function well. We can see it as an example given to Lily about her life. No matter how small one feels or how unimportant we feel we are important in the big picture. Each person has a role in this world. Lily felt lost and did not know where to go with her life when she got to August's home. She definitely felt a strong connection as the first week passed but she did not know that her being there was essential for her to find herself. Adding to the great story line this book also touches base on important big event in history. Sue Monk Kidd did an excellent job at reminding us how times were and how difficult it was for this women to work the way they did. A black women being so educated and strong like August was in that time was unheard of, but like the beehive the home will be not able to function without her. I love how Kidd wraps up this book at the end. From the unexpected event that happen to lead Lily to the house of the Boatwright's to the readers seeing how Lily found herself as she found out who her mother was and how to forgive her mother thus releasing her own insecurities and fears.


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