Girl Power

I enjoyed reading The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros because it sheds light to a variety of issues that are taking place in society, whether it being related to gender, race, or poverty. I think that the book holds pieces that everyone can connect with in some way. I really loved the writing style that Cisneros chose for this book because it was simple, short, and sweet which is good to have every now and then. I love the way that the chapters were designed in short stories because it made it easier to read. Sometimes when a novel has long chapters it can be overwhelming to read and possibly lose interest, but with The House on Mango Street I didn’t get that feeling.  
I think my favorite thing about this book would be how Cisneros brings awareness to female issues that take place in the world. Cisneros allows readers to connect with woman through the experience of each of the female characters in this story. Each of the women in the story all have something in common, which is involves being trapped on Mango street with no way out. The quote " She looked out the window her whole life, the way so many women sit their sadness on an elbow" (Cisneros 11) describes most of the women lives on Mango street, except Esperanza who is determined to find a way out. Esperanza represents hope for the women of this book because she wants more for herself, and will not settle like the other women have stating, "I have inherited her name, but I don’t want to inherit her place by the window" (Cisneros 11). Majority of the women in the story lives are controlled by men who don’t value their rights as a human being, but instead as property. The men don’t want their women strong, but weak so that they can be dependent on them and Cisneros describes this stating, "-but I think this is a Chinese lie because the Chinese, like the Mexicans, don’t like their women strong" (10).  
The sad thing about the story is that most of the women actually believe that the only way out is by marrying a man, so their willing to settle and deal with the abuse, mistreatment, and disrespect that comes along with it. Cisneros makes this point evident through the character Marina because she mentions that women can meet someone at the subway "who might marry you and take you to live in a big house far away" (26) like that is the only way they'll escape Mango street, but not realizing their own strength that can carry them out. Esperanza, unlike some of the other woman realizes that she has the power to change her situation and starts the journey to do that that saying, " I am too strong for her to keep me here forever" (Cisneros 110). Esperanza knows that not only does she have to get out for herself, but for other woman who may not have the strength to do so.  
This book reveals a powerful message for the female community because it represents so much motivation, unity, and strength. This novel relates in some ways to Speak because it is taking a stance on feminine power. Each of the books are voices for women of the world that encourage others to stand up for what they believe in. Even though each book has tragic events that take place dealing with females, I think the underlying message promotes positivity on girl power that would help with develop our girl adolescents in today's society.  


  1. I was soooooo gonna use that title for my blog ! haha great post girl. It does take a stance on feminine power and encourages other woman to chase their dreams.

  2. I definitely agree with you on how Cisneros related so much to women and feminism and I liked how it some ways I felt as though I could connect to the female characters. It does help with motivation and the representation of women because I feel like women are placed on the back burner so often that it is disappointing at times.


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