Technology Takeover - Feed
by M.T. Anderson was a great, interesting read. When my group and I first
picked this book to read I wasn’t too certain that I would like it, then after
reading the first couple of pages, I was definitely sure that I wasn’t going to
like the book, but after I kept reading and the story line picked up, I couldn’t
put the book down. This is a YA novel that I normally would not read by my own
choice, I’m usually a sucker for the cheesy love story, romantic YA novels but Feed is so DIFFERENT, and that’s what I
loved about it the most.
Titus, the main
character, and his friends live in the near future where taking spring break
vacations to the moon is a thing and so is having a Feed in your head. To sum
up the feed, it’s basically like having a computer in your head. Titus and his
friends have become so accustomed to the feed that they cannot live properly
without it, the feed controls their lives. From the way they do their hair and
they clothes they wear, it is also decided by the feed. Whatever they think or
want, the feed already knows and shows them ads constantly. They chat with each
other on the feed and get their entertainment on the feed. But this way of life
changes drastically for Titus when he meets Violet. Violet and his family are
all against the feed and when Titus finds out why his world turns upside down.
This book was a
great eye opener for me. It made me realize that with the way technology is
expanding and now EVERYWHERE, our future could very much be just like Titus’
world. My generation is so attached to technology and smart phones that we
cannot live without it. Smart phones are basically attached to our hands and social
media takes over the mindset of adolescents and young adults, and when you
think about it, this is actually very scary. When Titus and his friends get
their feeds restored after being hacked he compares the feed being back to rain
falling him and his friends, “And the feed was pouring in on us now, all of it,
all of the feednet, and we could feel all of our favorites, and there were our
files, and our m-chatlines. It came down on us like water. It came down like
frickin' spring rains, and we were dancing in it” (70), like the feed is just a
natural thing and to me that just seems to insane how much of an impact the
feed has on Titus just like technology has on our generation now.
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