The giver

The giver was a very interesting book, I read it once before in middle school and I fell in love with it. I remember trying to read ahead in the book when we were told to only read to a certain point. The book was very well written, I have yet to watch the movie but I will soon.
          I do think this world that they live in is very weird compared to what I’m used to, the way a family is set up, they aren’t really family at all, they have none of the same blood or DNA they are just assigned a family. In our world we do not get assigned to a family, we are born into our families, which I feel makes us closer. In our world we don’t work really until the age of 16 when we’re old enough to get a job, they are assigned a job based off their abilities and interests at the age of 12. We eventually find our husbands/wives based off compatibility & love, in the story they basically apply for their spouses. I also think it’s weird that when the birth-mothers have the kids they never see them they go to a hospital nurturing center and they basically are there for a year with other kids that are born that year also. The fact that one person holds the memories for the community is also another weird thing to me.

          Overall this was a very good, Lois Lowry did a really good job writing it, the imagery was amazing. I enjoyed reading this story just like I did the first time I read it.


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