The Giver

  "There's much more. There's all that goes beyond – all that is Elsewhere – and all that goes back, and back, and back. I received all of those, when I was selected. And here in this room, all alone, I re-experience them again and again. It is how wisdom comes. And how we shape our future." This is correct, we can see why the community was not wanting to change. They did not have a recollection of the past. They couldn't learn or miss the past if they didn't have any knowledge of it. Sci-Fi books, shows or movies are not up my alley at all but The Giver did have a good message. I enjoyed the whole illusion of this world where everyone lived in this "sameness". I love the world we live in, with the diverse of the world and each persons talent shining through to improve the world. These stories however, like The Giver, spark a interest when incidents like Las Vegas happens. It makes me wonder "what if". What if we did live in a Utopia, and we did not have emotions of hatred, love, and or jealousy. Would the world be a better world with the same "sameness". For once we would all know how it is is live as one, without seeing color, the thing that seems to divide us now like it has in the past. Although at the same time, not being to immediately be with my new born or telling my own child how much I love him would would really be weird and hurt not having the relationship I have now. Maybe it is worth living in a painful world when in moment we can feel the power of love. 


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