What effect does a person's environment have on future success?

        An individual's surroundings have an immense impact on one's likelihood of success in life. Certain cultures have caste systems that restrict people from being able to escape poverty or climb the latter of success. Junior's position is similar except he has the option to run away from the Rez, as we read we learn there is no escaping. The environment Arnold was raised in affected his future. Arnold summed it up perfectly by saying, "There are all kinds of addicts, I guess. We all have pain. And we all look for ways to make the pain go away"(107). Junior is aware that addiction is often interlaced with poverty and hopelessness on the Rez. He is surprised, however, to see that addiction is universal across all ethnicities and classes. He sees that although someone may carry it well, it may still be heavy. It is also important to remember when you meet someone new to not judge because you don't know their past.  
    The book introduces Rowdy, a troubled child who lives in poverty. His parents are so frustrated with their living situation they take it out on Rowdy. This is the sad truth for some. On page 16, Rowdy refers to his scars and bruises as "warpaint." This is alarming as we realize he seems to be proud of them. I think he was just acting tough as a coverup. I do believe if the element of poverty was somehow removed from both Rowdy and Junior's life they would not be so angry. 


  1. I love how you compared Rowdy's situation to that of a caste system. That was a great connection between literature and History. Due to you mentioning that Rowdy's parents take their frustration out on him, do you personally believe in generational curses?

    1. No, I believe you can do your best to escape them or die trying.


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