
Within the novel, Feed, M.T. Anderson provides an in depth critique of a society that is slowly growing to depend on technology.  He does this through a main character in the novel, Violet, who is suffering from major damage due to her Feed malfunctioning.  American society has become so dependent on technology that people have almost become inhuman; Anderson is foreshadowing the future of realistic America. 
Violet is definitely the character that feels to be most prominent within the societal critique that Anderson is presenting.  Anderson conveys most of his message through Violet by creating a personal connection to the audience; Violet is much more ‘human’ than her friends who have lived their lives solely through the Feed.  Violet continually resists the Feed and often questions its purpose which angers and frustrates those around her.  For example, when Titus has Violet over for dinner, Titus’s dad becomes very frustrated with her questioning the Feed and tells Titus that he does not approve of her.  Anderson uses situations like these to convey how naïve some people can be concerning the corrupt nature of the government and how those who question government authority can be punished or shunned away.  Anderson also uses Violet’s perpetual detriment as a way of conveying his message concerning technology.  Since Violet’s feed was implanted when she was seven, she continues to experiences many issues.  Ultimately, the Feed is rendering Violet braindead and killing her off.  At the end of the novel, when Titus comes to visit a severely damaged Violet, the Feed begins to flash a slogan “Everything Must Go”. I was shocked by this phrase being used in such a fragile setting, but upon further thought I concluded that Anderson included this message from the Feed to symbolize how the Feed has basically destroyed Violet; the Feed essentially eliminated a source of resistance to ensure ultimate power


  1. Great analysis! I always saw Violet has a symbol of a life without internet connection. The whole world is becoming more technological dependent and its gotten to a point where everything is almost technology based. Violet was slowly dying and her illness represents the death of a world without technology. Because Violet is the minority she is a easy target and in a way it reminds me of people who are disconnected from technology and how hard it is to be reachable. Is this book telling us that we are at risk of dying without technology?


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