
                Feed, written by M.T. Anderson, is a futuristic novel that forces its readers to think about and question their own habits. Anderson’s story involving the overuse of technology really makes me think about how much I depend on it on a daily basis. It has become a way for me to communicate with people around me, fill my time, keep up with current events, get from place to place, and much more. Even my homework and classwork are centered around technology oftentimes. Because of how much I use it, to be without it seems like the worst possible option. Leaving the house without it can be one of the most frustrating moments of the day, which is truly sad. If we are moving this way as a society, then how far are we from being like the society in Anderson’s novel?
On page 141, Titus is talking about school when he says, “Now that School is run by the corporations, it’s pretty brag, because it teaches us how the world can be used, like mainly how to use our feeds… and now we do stuff in classes about how to work technology and how to find bargains and what’s the best way to get a job and how to decorate our bedroom.” His comments here about the benefits of how their school systems are using technology make me question our motives today. Are we telling ourselves that everything we are doing is for the betterment of our future? Is it actually doing helping more than it is hindering? If it is, how can we tell? Characters like Titus are so wrapped up in their own dependence on technology that they are not able to tell that it is bad for them until it is too late, like when Violet goes braindead. Will we let OUR feed feed us lies about what is important in life, or will we be able to put it down and think for ourselves before it is too late?


  1. I agree that technology is used a lot in the classroom. I think that it can be both good and bad because if we use too much technology we will not be able to think on our own. I like your question. I think that if we are not careful then I think our feed will end up taking over our lives. I think that we need to take a step back from the feed so that we can still think for ourselves. Do you think that the younger generations have a lot of things in common with this novel? Are they starting letting the feed take over their lives?


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