Mz. Marvel--Chan

Mz. Marvel is the first Marvel comic I have ever read and experienced. The way it is written and illustrated makes for an adventurous and easy read. Through the fast-paced graphic novel, I am able to read with an instructed and specific way to imagine the characters in a particular moment through the drawings.  
When it came specifically to the relationship with her parents it was sort of general overall. The aspect of her being Muslim is historical in the comic world but when I read it I didn't get a deeper sense within her culture and parents. The scenes with her parents seemed like the average strict parents and the way they yelled and disciplined her sounded like an average way. I didn't get the emotions that could have been rawer if there were a clever way to connect the parent's thoughts to the lifestyle in community that's mainstream.  
When there were parts that retained to the Muslim culture it was more of being shown the image and a caption that tells the definition.  Again, being general in a sense rather than more emotionally invested to Khamala's ties in a personal way in which that could mirror her parents, adding clarity and in depth understanding to her home life that results in her actions of rebelling. 
Overall, I enjoyed the read and how fast it went through but in the way it leaves the reader satisfied with the legacy of what Marvel is as an institution and all its heroes.  


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