Ms Marvel

Prior to reading this comic book, I have never really entertained the idea of reading comic books or movies. So, reading this comic was interesting, as it had classic comic book conventions such as: action, detailed plot, two separate identities and an evil person serving as the antagonist. But, it refreshingly differed as the protagonist was a young, Muslim, female. I was immediately intrigued after finding out the characteristics of the main character, Kamala, and the qualities that she possesses. I enjoyed reading the comic because it was not your stereotypical white guy in a suit and tie by day and spandex by night. It was about a young teenage girl who does normative teenage things while saving the world. Additionally, the comic introduces the concept of culture and how it is perceived by the public. The fact that the Kamala is Muslim is interesting to me, because they are often wrongfully depicted as the bad guys or villians in the media. So, the fact that this young muslim girl was depicted as a hero willing to save the world was inviting to me. This book projects the conflicts that adolescents face everyday concerning school, social circles, maintaining a "cool" reputation as well as the narrative of the superhero. I just thought it was a healthy spin on the comic book, and this may be a series that I would like to read for the future.


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