Lit Circles : Harry Potter: Atkins

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is just the beginning of a series of novels that has set the tone for modern fantasy literature. Before we even read the novel for our literature circles, I had my bias about it being something that I thought I could never picture myself reading. When we started to read and do research on the novel, I surprisingly enjoyed reading and getting into the plot! It was not only interesting, but very relatable and almost addicting. I enjoyed the way J.K. Rowling wrote it and the buildup of the plot was perfect.
Usually an author crafts very carefully their first sentence of a book. Also, their first paragraph sets readers expectations and the tone for the rest of the book. J.K. Rowling does great job setting up the plot and putting readers directly into the setting. This is especially important for adolescent readers who have a hard time staying interested in a novel. The first chapter is very vital in creating an interest and keeping the interest high enough for the reader to be interested in reading the rest. This novel is great for adolescents who have a hard time staying interested in a book. It is challenging, relatable, and overall has a great flow.
Like a leaf in a stream, Harry Potter hasn't seemed to have much control over his life as it is. The same for most 11-year-olds, Harry Potter is a character that many middle schoolers can see themselves in. Although this is true, at some point he will begin to make more choices for his life than he ever has before. Many adolescents his age have to go through a transition just like Harry, and making choices and fighting your own battles can be intimidating, but books like Harry Potter make it easier to do. I would most definitely teach this novel to my students and really focus my discussion on the transition from child to adolescent.


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