Ms. Marvel- Sharissa

Although I do not enjoy comic books, nothing against them, its just not my style, this was different. I love learning about new cultures and this book was great for that. Not only was this a piece of work that is relatable to all kinds of people, but it also allows Muslims to be seen in a different light. Like most people have said, Muslims have always been painted in a bad light, whether not actually calling them Muslim and just describing the "bad guys" as the characteristics of them or saying it, it give a great outlook to what people of different cultures to be. It will broaden peoples spectrum of what "good guys" should be. American culture is very stereotypical as to who should be the "good guys" and who is the "bad guys" and this allows comic books to break that standard.

I feel that this would be a great book to teach in schools, for many reasons. One being that it is a book about a minority that is not really talked about. It would enable students to have discussions about something that needs to be talked about. Two, it is very easy for adolescents to have a connection with. I also feel that this would help reluctant readers in the class room to feel that they have something that is interesting and new, not just book in from the 1800s.  Overall, I would teach this book in schools.


  1. I feel the same way! I've never read a comic book in my life and always found them to be kinda strange. However, I really enjoyed this story and know for a fact that I will use it in the classroom one of these days! Can't Wait!

  2. I agree, I think it would be great to teach in schools. I think it would provide something new and interesting for students to read, instead of something they are used to reading. I think you would have to teach students how to read it though. I struggled with the layout tremendously.


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