A New Face to Save the Day

Let me start by saying, Ms. Marvel is not a book I would be eager to read at first glance and I didn’t expect to gather the information that the novel provided. I use to read comics that my grandpa would bring home when I was younger in elementary school because of the pictures.  I think the pictures and colorful presentation in comics can made me feel like they’re always supposed to be funny or happy, so when I read this novel I was shocked. Ms. Marvel was semi dark and I guess it had to be that way in order to bring awareness to issues that are taking place in society.
                I loved the background information about the Muslim community and I feel it gives the world a different side to see of that community. Ms. Marvel allowed for identity for Muslims to be redefined and to go outside of the stereotype that has always been given to that community. Ms. Marvel also allowed for identity to be redefined for a superhero which I think was a great tactic to use because it such a big market in America, so it brought attention within every race, gender, and age group. The style of this literature was perfect for this strategy as well because it wasn’t something that would be too overwhelming to read, nor would it be boring because it does captivate your attention within the first couple of pages into the novel. I think the graphics help balance the novel so that it isn’t super dark, along with theme of super heroes.

                Overall, I am glad that I read this novel because now it will allow me to pay close attention to race in animated characters and what image are they portraying for that culture.  It also helps me to now pay attention to if there is diverse in literature and in most of America’s mainstream characters. I’m not against including this type of material in the classroom because I think it will not only provide important information to students, but could possibly be a fun, easygoing read for them. I always think of students who are like my son and don’t enjoy reading literature that doesn’t seem appealing to the eye. I feel if there is a chance graphic novels encourage resistance student to read and actual enjoy it, then I am all for it!


  1. I really like that you mention it will help you pay attention to race and religion and how it is portrayed in literature. I think this comic manages to portray Kamala's culture in a way that doesn't become a stereotype, and instead, educates the reader on the traditional culture.


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