curious incident

After finishing The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time I can say with confidence that I enjoyed the previous two books a great deal more. I did not dislike the book and it is not a bad book. However, after finishing I could not help but feel less accomplished. When I finished the other two I felt a genuine sense of accomplishment that I did not receive after finishing The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. I am not quite sure if this is due to the fact that this is a shorter book or if it is a result of the differing content between the two.
I have a connection from my childhood that this book reminded me of while reading through Chris’ struggles. Growing up one of my best friends was autistic. I never actually knew that he was autistic. As children both Luke (our other friend) and I always knew that Diego was a little difference. That's how our parents and his always referred to him to us. They would say,”Now you two look after Diego on the way to the park. You two know he is a little different.” They never disclosed why or how that he is different.
One of the biggest things that I feel the need to express is how every person on the autistic spectrum are different. Even though they have the same diagnosis often they can react to different things completely differently and have different problems. Diego had some similarities to Chris that warmed my heart and made me think about my childhood friend. Diego was always much smarter than he first comes off to people. He was not a savant like Christopher but he was incredibly smart in the maths and sciences similar to Christopher. He also was similar to the way that he struggled immensely in social situations. Similar to Christopher, Diego was better at social interactions with Luke and I than with others. This reminded me of how Christopher interacted better with familiar people such as his father and Sibohan. 

This may have lacked content. However, I wanted to show the connections and past that this book made me think about. While I didn’t love the book it made me think about a person I love. I’m thankful for that.


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