Mike's Introducion

Hello everyone! My name is Mihali (mee-ha-lee) Tsabunieris but its probably better if you just call me Mike, for simplicity's sake. I'm currently 22 and in my junior year here at USC. I was born in Brooklyn, NY but moved to Spartanburg when I was two. Originally, I was a business major but decided to switch to English a little before I completed my associate's. I'm also aiming for a minor in pre-law so that I can be a little more prepared for law school. I enjoy many things but my main hobbies would be soccer, working on my car, and skeet shooting. When I'm not doing any of those, im usually either doing an assignment or working. I'm a manager at the Clock of Spartanburg on the mostly on the weekends but sometimes during the week as well so I'd say 15-25 hours a week. If i had to pick a type of learning style, id probably chose visual learning. Something about looking at a simple picture or graph can go along way when explaining something to me. Thanks for you're time.


  1. It's great to have you in class, Mike. I am a bit jealous of your pre-law ambitions. I once thought about law school myself. Skeet shooting sounds fascinating! I hope to learn more about what you like to read and which literary characters have influenced you as the course progresses.


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