
My name is Jake Edmonds. I am 21 years old and I'm a senior in the education program. I was born in Taylors, South Carolina and I'm and English Education major with a minor in Film Studies. I enjoy reading, though I don't have much of an option in what I read right now. My other hobbies include playing video games, cooking and eating, and playing music. I also have a deep love of marine life and have had some kind of fish tank in my house for as long as I can remember. I am currently employed at an Ingles grocery store and typically work 20 hours a week during school and almost 40 hours over the summer. I think that my biggest problem as a student is that I can become disorganized and even though I have gotten better about keeping up with my work with everything becoming digital, I will often forget things. I think the series I was most obsessed with as a child was Harry Potter and like many other adolescents my own age, I heavily identified with Harry. I made the connection in middle school because I often struggled with school and had very few, but very close friends. I remember my aunt taking me to see the second movie in theaters and I was obsessed with the series to the point of standing in line to get a copy of The Deathly Hallows the day it came out and listening to audio versions of the books to go to sleep at night. I think that without Harry Potter I wouldn't have learned to enjoy reading.


  1. It's great to have you in class, Jake. I wish I had more time to study film, but I never seem to have time for watching movies. I too love to cook, and would love to hear more about the kind of cuisine you enjoy. What kind of music do you play? Do you ever play publicly? I appreciate the details you've shared and look forward to working with you!


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