Introducing Kimberly

My name is Kimberly Wilson. Most of the people in my life call me Kim except for my family members. I prefer to be called Kimberly but, everyone feels the need to shorten my name. I am beginning to accept that people will call you what is convenient for them. I am from Greenwood, South Carolina. Specifically Hodges, South Carolina. Greenwood is a typical small town that has been growing rapidly in the past couple of years. I do not know if people believe it will become the next Greenville but, there is still way too many restaurants and not enough activities for anyone under 60 years old. The very small town that my house is located in is the most country and peaceful place to grow up in. Sunny days in Hodges are a blessing.
Currently, I am a senior English major with a history minor. I just turned 21 a few weeks ago and it was one of the most heartfelt birthdays I have had thus far. My full time job is being a Resident Advisor in Magnolia House. The hours are random and scattered. Freshman are unpredictable young adults and that make my job extremely spontaneous. My only hobbies are watching college football and trying to learn how to perfect my makeup and hair skills. I am passionate about many things but, the main one that comes to mind is justice and fair treatment of black people in the United States. The unjust killings and discrimination is ridiculous.
As a learner I like to see things visually before I attempt them myself when it comes to technology. Other than that I can read pretty much anything and remember it. Throughout my childhood I read all of the Junie B. Jones books. She is the weird kid who is relatable. As I began middle school I stopped reading as much. Books have sometimes been my way of having an interesting life because it became boring often with no siblings living in the house. Lastly, books are currently my way of learning new perspectives and receiving encouragement when needed, even from fictional characters.


  1. It's great to have you in this class, Kimberly. It sounds like you have a close connection to the place you grew up. I love visiting Lake Greenwood, and would love to have a home there someday. It is fascinating that you serve as an RA. I bet you have some stories to tell! I admire your willingness to be a mentor to our freshmen students. I'm glad to learn that you are an activist for social justice and how we can discuss more about how that connects to YA Lit. And, of course, Junie B is one of the best ever!


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