Introduction - Angel Brakorenko

 I really hope I am doing this right haha! My name is Angel Brakorenko and I prefer to go by Angel. My area of study, as you already know, is middle level education and I am minoring in English. Some hobbies include painting, stage acting, piano, reading, cosplaying and singing. I used to be in track but I do not feel passionate enough about it to pursue it any longer. I recently got a new job at Starbucks and my shifts usually last for six hours which can be tough when you start at 5:30 in the morning. 

I think an important part of me as a learner is that hands on and visual approaches usually work best. I am also a chronic procrastinator although I do end up always turning in work on time. 

Thinking back, the books that stuck out to me most when I was younger were the Percy Jackson series, The Coldest Girl in Cold Town by Holly Black, and, weirdly enough, the huge animal encyclopedia we have at home (I was a very curious child). All of these reads sparked my love for literature and I am so thankful to my family for fueling that interest instead of handing me an iPad and calling it a day. To me, books are an escape into my imagination from everyday life. I think all my hobbies are like that for me. I never paint things that already exist as well because why would you?! You can make literally anything you want come to life on your canvas! Books have also helped bond with my mother. She and I hardly ever see eye to eye on things, but when I read to her, all our differences fall away and we can just enjoy each others company. I even sometimes communicate through the books I pick for us to read. For example, we recently finished the memoir "Crying in H Mart". It is a book about coming to terms with loss but also how strained mother-daughter relationships can get and how much it hurts when you don't receive support from your loved ones. Since I don't really know how to talk about those things, authors help a lot in that department:)

Anyway, that's it about me! I can't wait to know more about the rest of you guys!


  1. That's so cool that you're interested in so many things! I like Percy Jackson, too, though I've only read the first book and half of the second one. And I used to do track when I was younger, too! I find cosplay fascinating, but I would never be able to do it myself; I've seen short clips of videos of people preparing, and I can tell a lot goes into it. It's inspiring that you manage to do all these things :)

    1. I strongly recommend finishing the series! It is one of my favorites even now, so many years later. and yeah it is a lot of work for sure. Not to mention money.

  2. Yay, another cosplayer! What things do you like to cosplay from? You are so skilled with your eyeliner and makeup in general, I had a feeling you might cosplay when I saw that, lol!

    My best friend works at Starbucks, my heart goes out to you for what you have to deal with so early in the morning.

    I love what you said about reading bridging the gap between you and your mom. Reading the same book is a wonderful way to find common ground. I'm excited to hear about your insight on the books we read this semester!

    1. Omg I guessed that you liked that kind of stuff but I'm so happy someone else loves cosplay as well! I'm actually making up class for Wednesday because me and two friends are headed to Dragon-Con and I can't waittt.

      So far Starbucks has been wonderful. Coworkers are so nice and most customers are understanding and patient. We will see how it goes as we get into pumpkin spice season haha.

      I can't wait to hear more from you as well! You are very well-spoken and every point you have brought up is so interesting and makes me want to go back in the book.

  3. Let's give it up for the Starbucks baristas fr...y'all are the best. I also am a procrastinator, but I'm trying to work on it, lol!

    1. It's all about rewards for me. For example, I write one page of an essay and then turn on an episode of the show I like or read a chapter of my book. Very effective for the most part:)


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