Blog 1 (Cameron)


1. My full name is Cameron James Lee Newton. Usually, people tend to call me Cam instead of saying the whole thing, but my friends call me Pinball ( my nickname). 

2. I am an English major. I intended to settle for a film cognate, but I haven't gotten to take any film courses yet, so I am figuring that out. 

3. I have several hobbies. I play video games, read books, manga, comics, and the occasional  article. I also play the drums and i was even in a movie when I was in sixth grade. 

4. I work at a lawyer's office in Gaffney, SC. It is extremely part time, I'd say I work probably once every other week. . 

5. I don't know, I guess it would be best to just be clear with what you are saying. My brain has a weird way of retaining information. I can easily tell you all the different types in Pokémon but couldn't tell you what the quadratic equation is. So just be clear with what you are saying and maybe don't be afraid to slow it down for me. 

6.Reading hasn't really been that big a deal for me until recently. As I said in the survey it takes a cool concept to real me in and keep my attention. Even for something that I would consider bad, I would likely read it over something good that has a boring concept. As for characters, he isn't from a book, but I really enjoy Dante from the Devil May Cry series ( it does have a novel or two though). I enjoy Dante as a character, because he does everything with such an insane amount of confidence that I wish I had. 


  1. You were in a movie?? Dude, that's awesome! What movie was it?
    I've never heard of 'Devil May Cry', but one of the characters from a dystopian novel I wrote is named Dante...oddly enough, he's confident, too haha. (I actually have an irrational worry about that, when I'm creating my characters' names. Like, is it the name of a prominent figure in literature or real life, who everyone will relate my character to?? Lol. But it's bound to happen, so I try to let it go.)
    Also, I am curious as to how you got your nickname...I've never heard one like that--I bet there's a funny story to it.

    1. The movie is tilted Black or White. The main star was Kevin Costner and I was an extra and in one of the scenes. Devil May Cry is a game series on the PlayStation 2, 3, and 4. It's a really cool series about demon hunting, in fact Dante and his brother Vergil got their names from the Divine Comedy. As for my nickname, I forget his name, but a kid called my that on my first day of middle school and I just sort of rolled with it.

  2. I love Pokemon too! What is your favorite anime? I haven't played the Devil May Cry series, but I did work at Gamestop for a while and I heard lots of good things about it. :) I really like hack-and-slash style video games, so I'm sure it would be up my alley!

    I also wanted to note that if you haven't decided on your cognate yet, maybe talk to your advisor about getting a minor instead of a cognate. It depends on how long you have left until you want to graduate, but especially if you're a sophomore or junior it's the perfect time to look into it! Usually it's only a couple more classes (In my case, I think only two more than a cognate would have been anyway), but it makes a huge difference -- a cognate doesn't carry as much "weight" on your transcript as a minor does for only a bit more work.

    If you ever wanna talk to me about anime/nerd stuff or ask me anything about the minor versus cognate thing, I'm always happy to answer! (You might have already looked into it, of course, but I wanted to put it out there if you haven't! :))

    1. I don't really know what I would consider my favorite anime. I've seen a lot , and they all hit the same notes for me so to speak. Though I'd probably say Fullmetal Alchemist Brother hood since out of all the ones I have watched, I actually finished it. Also thanks for the advice on the cognate/minor stuff, I'll have to think about it.

  3. I am also a big Pokemon fan. The prospect of studying film is so intriguing to me because I hadn't thought of pursuing it until I was deep into education courses. I would love to study film, as I am kind of a movie snob, lol.

  4. I love anime but manga is something I'm new to. Any recommendations? I prefer something without an an adaptation out yet and a unique art style(creepy stuff is always great). I think it is so cool that you are going for film! I myself was very close to majoring in theatre (which is quite different I know but still) and have a love for anything artistic. Wish you the best in your future with that!


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