Blog Post #1

 Hey, so I tried to post my blog before, but it either didn't go through all the way, or I accidentally posted it somewhere else (this is the first time I've ever done a blog), so if there's two of these...that's why lol.

 Hey, I'm Helen :)

My major is English. I plan to minor in Spanish next semester.

Writing is my hobby, passion, and career. I mostly write fantasy books, but I also occasionally write poems, short stories or rap songs.

I'm not working anywhere at the moment, just trying to focus on school.

I'm usually a slow-reader, but it's easier when it's an easy read and not as many words. I have focusing issues sometimes, and can forget assignments, can get overwhelmed, but I have a life coach to help me with this, and a good app that helps me keep track of things. I'm always eager to do the best I can.

I got into both reading and writing when I read many of the Goosebumps books by R.L. Stine in third grade. I loved the idea of spooky ghost stories, mysteries, and scenes and descriptions that give you goosebumps. That's why the first several short stories I've written were ghost stories--and probably why my description skills are so elaborate.

Books mean a lot to me, because I become attached to the characters and what happens to them; I relate to them, and fall in love with them. Reading about characters' stories, the world-building, description and writing style of different authors give me inspiration for my own books. I don't steal ideas, but reading someone else's will often give me fuel to write similar circumstances, or a unique idea, with my own characters. I also love how it feels to turn a page when you're reading; that's why I prefer hard copies, but typing on the computer feels just as nice, to me.


  1. Don't worry, I only see one blog post from you so far haha! This is my first time using these blogs too. I am so intrigued that you're minoring in Spanish. I may or may not be struggling in German, so kudos to you. I remember you saying you wrote short stories, etc., but you write rap songs? That is so cool and I love the idea. I am a very fast reader when sucked into it, but I totally get the focus thing. It can be challenging, but I'm glad you have help! It's always good to have those things to help you stay on track. I'm like you, books mean a lot to me. I get so attached and it's so hard to let go when I'm finished with a book or a series. It's like the characters have become great friends and I don't want them to go anywhere! :)

  2. I feel ya on being a slow reader! I always read with my pen in my hand to take notes, and boy if it doesn't make me take even longer.

    I think it's so wonderful that you cited the Goosebumps series as an inspiration of yours. I didn't even think about that when I was thinking of the book series I read as a child, but I am sure so many of us that are around the same age have Goosebumps to thank for encouraging our imaginations (and spooking us in the process)!

    I love that you write fantasy, it's one of my favorite genres of media but writing it is not an easy feat.

    What kind of poems do you like to write? :)

    1. I'm so sorry I didn't see these comments till now! I don't know if you'd still get the alert and will see this, but I wanted to answer just in case.
      Thank you both for your kind words! I'm glad I'm not the only one who takes a while to read haha ^^' (though I can't say I take notes--I would take about a century to finish a book, then, haha.)
      Normally my poems are either dark, or romantic, or spiritual, or a combination thereof lol. My raps can be emotionally dark and/or spiritual as well, but not really about romance. I don't write poetry as much as I did in high school, but somewhat recently I wrote a whole collection of both raps and poems.
      I had a lot of fun taking this class with you all ^-^


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