Diary Response

 I am actually surprised at how much I enjoyed reading this book. I think Alexie did such a great job at making this book digestible to the common reader and the English major, alike. 

Not only was the text itself engaging and highly entertaining, the artwork was phenomenal, so I must tip my hat to the artist himself. The use of artwork in this book does a lot for the reader when it comes to understanding Arnold at his core. Arnold states that he has a hard time expressing himself through words, so he uses pictures to explain himself. I believe this helps the reader understand the text in the sense of relating to how Arnold truly feels about his surroundings. 

This book was so much fun to read and I believe that many people can connect to this book because it deals a lot with the feeling of being an outsider. The majority of people know what it feels like to be an outsider whether it pertains to their personalities, interests, etc. I think this book can help adolescents understand that being different is okay. 

I give this book a 7/10. 


  1. I also was a little surprised at how much I enjoyed the book. I also loved the artwork! I think for other adolescents like Arnold, they could possibly relate to not knowing how to express themselves through words. I agree, I think this book would be great for adolescents in general just based on the themes and the characters themselves.


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