I was not able to finish the novel, as it hit too close to home for me. I had never been "triggered" by a book before, but as soon as this book started to ruin my day, I put it down and decided for myself that it was not worth finishing. However, I think that speaks volumes of the book itself! The author wrote it in a way that was so believable that the tragedy of it all weighed too heavy on my soul. I think that shows the strength of the writing itself, honestly. Though I have never had suicidal tendencies, I have found myself battling both anxiety and depression, which both have a large negative effect on my life. I applaud the author for exploring these topics and I can see why this type of book would be valuable for an adolescent to read. It can serve as an eye-opening tool for them to see how issues like these are serious and potentially life-threatening. It teaches adolescents that mental health is important and is not something to be afraid or ashamed of.