Blog Post #4
The novel by Mark Haddon, the curious incident of the dog in the night-time , was an easy and very interesting read. I was probably most intrigued by Haddon's extremely realistic depiction of Christopher. Writing or attempting to display a character with ASD is not an easy job to tackle because the disorder is such a broad spectrum and looks very different on a case-by-case basis. However, I feel as though Haddon did a wonderful job finding a median that depicts common traits in ASD that anyone who is familiar with can relate to. For example, without even looking at the content you notice unique characteristics about the structure of the novel, the most obvious being the chapter layouts. Christopher is particularly gifted in numbers and counting so therefore the novel is broken up by prime numbers in their chronological order. In addition to the structure of the novel, Haddon has Christopher explain his reasonings behind a few of his quirks and this gives us, as the reader, a grea...