Sold - book post

     I haven't quite finished Sold yet, I have a little over 100 pages left. However, Sold is an incredibly written book. The content itself is heavy and slightly intense at times even without me going through it myself. Patricia McCormick understands the weight and through her use of verses, she takes the beautiful lines and makes it bearable.
    It's taken me a little longer to finish because I had to keep stopping in certain spots. I still plan to finish the book and it will definitely be one of those books that I will keep with me for the rest of my life. The way the words were written and how strong Lakshmi is has stuck in my brain. Over the last few weeks I will think of what I've read of Sold so far from time to time.
    I enjoyed how the topic of sex trafficking was addressed. Not many people have the bravery or right state of mind to accomplish a book like this. I feel like for those who read it, and especially if you are more unaware of some of the things that goes on in trafficking, this book will open your eyes and bring awareness to the severity of this topic. It is a problem in this world and more people need to realize how prominent and serious it is.
    Not only are the verses well-written, but the language and descriptions are also beautiful to read. It adds a slightly lighter tone to some parts of the book. For example, in the chapter What Disaster Sounds Like, McCormick writes "When the night rain soaks the ground past the soaking point, when the earthen walls around the paddy melt away, when the rice plants are sucked out of the earth one by one and washed down the slope, there should be a sounds, a noise announcing that something is terribly wrong. Instead there is a ghostly hush that tells us we have lost everything" (33). These lines are not the lighter ones, but it's the way they flow together. They paint a very vivid picture in my mind and I can practically see exactly what is happening as it happens.
    Like I said, I haven't finished the book yet. I'm sure there are even better descriptions and verses as the book goes on. I still do plan to finish Sold and I want to see what the ending of the book is. Overall, I have enjoyed the journey it has taken me on and I'm curious to see how Lakshmi's story continues.


  1. I agree, I love McCormick's imagery in the book when it comes to scenery and all that. I really liked the part where the rain finally arrived, and Lakshmi said something about her tears having melded with the rain. I can't remember exactly how she phrased it, but that's one of my favorite examples. Beautiful, cathartic, vivid imagery. I agree that the poetic way she writes this book makes it more readable. This is indeed an excellent book as far as exposing the issues of this subject to those who may not know.

  2. Writing about a topic like this for sure has a lot of responsibility that comes with it. After all, the author did interview real victims and had to do their accounts justice as best she could. I also felt like every chapter ended beautifully. I stopped every time to take in the last sentence or couple of sentences. Sold will definitely stick around in my brain for a while as well.


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