The Study of Adolescent Development

The overall claim of the article appears to be that adolescent development has and continues to be a highly researched and debated area of study that has attempted to shift from a historical focus on problem behavior that had become the intrinsic nature of adolescent development to a more diversified, contextual, social, and biological approach to adolescent study. But according to the author, research and approaches to the study of adolescent development must continue to shift in their perspectives in order to create a comprehensive, normative and atypical theory of adolescent development that includes biological, contextual, social, and psychological influences.  While I agree with the author in the abandonment of problem behavior as the central focus of theories of adolescent development was the right course of action, I am not so sure I agree with the pressure to shift the focus of research from the overarching contextual, social, biological, etc. views of recent research in the hopes of creating a comprehensive, normative theory of adolescent development. While a comprehensive theory of the typical adolescent would prove to be desirable in terms of having an applicable normative theory to use as a means of reference, I do not think such a theory, even if it incorporates contextual influences, respects the inherent power of the social, contextual, and cultural influences of adolescents. To seek such a theory appears to almost discredit all of the things that makes each adolescent's experience of the world and development different; what factors that help to mold and create the experiences and identities of adolescents. I think to move in this direction is to somewhat abandon the progress made to respect and seek to understand the differences of the development of minorities, sexes, races, cultures, etc. that have such a monumental impact on the adolescents who live and experience their lives according to these factors. To search for a unified adolescent experience of development would attempt to shed all of the layers of influence from different areas of adolescent life. I believe the research has been headed in the right direction with the incorporation of the various elements of adolescent development through an examination of biological, contextual, social, cultural, etc. factors to see how these items shape the lives of adolescents from wide ranging lifestyles, expectations, experiences, etc., to further understand why and how adolescents develop in similar and different ways.


  1. Wow! Your reading is incredibly insightful. I agree that the authors leave some critical holes in their approach, but I believe their purpose is sincere. I hope that as you read the fictional literature in the course you will be able to apply research from this source and others, evaluating how adolescents and their experiences are represented in the literature available to them. You mention the need to respect and understand adolescents from marginalized groups. Unfortunately these groups are have not been represented in YA Literature until very recently. If we believe that young people should "see themselves" in what they read, we also need to be sure those representations are accurate. I look forward to talking with you more about this research!


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